News & Events
Centre for Gender Research-Jubilee Conference
The Centre for Gender Research celebrates 40 years of research and teaching at Uppsala University, with a conference focusing on the breadth and diversity within current gender research.
When: 12 - 13 October 2023
Where: Uppsala University
Find more information here
Lecture: "Queer Perspectives in Science and University"
Lecture with subsequent exchange in the context of CampusPRIDE 2023.
"Queer perspectives in science and university"
When: October 12, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Where: House 22A / r 225
Speaker: G-Prof. Dr. Tina Jung (Marianne-Schminder visiting professor), Faculty of Human Sciences, Otto von Guericke University
For further information please click here
Event announcement PDF (in German)
"Diversity needs space" - World Café for planning a "Diversity Challenge" for Magdeburg
New spaces! For this year's motto of the Intercultural Weeks, the state capital Magdeburg as well as municipal, scientific and civil society organizations would like to challenge joint ideas that will result in a local Diversity Challenge in 2024.
When: Sept. 28, 2023 | 4:00 p.m.
Where: einewelt haus Magdeburg
Further information and the link to the website can be found here
SYMPOSIUM: Gender Equality in Transition
New challenges and ways of career development for women in science
When: 3 November 2023
Where: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend, Theodor W.-Adorno-Platz 1, PA-Gebäude Foyer
The program and further information can be found here
SYMPOSIUM: Beyond Save the Date: Buzzwords – Thinking Diversity Ahead at Universities
In October 24, 2023, the topic of "Diversity at Universities" will once again be brought into focus by the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunity in Saxony in order to survey the field once again with a one-day symposium more than five years after the first "Diversity Dialog Rounds": What has changed? What does good diversity policy practice at universities look like?
Where: t.b.a
When: 24 October 2023
Further information on the event can be found hier