News & Events
Interdisciplinary Online Fair for Young Scientists at the OVGU
On 26.05.2021, the day of teaching, the first Interdisciplinary Online Research Fair by and for young scientists:inside of the OVGU will take place. The fair is organized by the Faculty of Human Sciences in cooperation with the Office for Gender Equality at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
Workshop: gender sensitive university life - hetero- and cis-normativity
On May 18, 2021, the Queer Campus will host an online lecture on the topic:Gender-sensitive everyday university life - hetero- and cis-normativity. It will be hosted by the Fachschaftsrat of FHW. See the linked Facebook event for more information.
Diversity Challenge aims to make the university more colorful - high participation wanted
The OVGU Diversity Challenge is based on the idea of the Charta der Vielfalt e. V. (Diversity Charter) and invites students to come together in teams - preferably mixed from different courses of study - and to deal with the topic of diversity in an academic and artistic-creative way.
Digitale Tagung Rassismussensibler Lehre und Ausbildung an Schulen und Universitäten am 02. und 03.06.21
On June 02 and 03, 2021, the digital conference "New Perspectives on a German Didactics Oriented to Cultural and Human Sciences - Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives on Racism-Sensitive Teaching and Training at Schools and Universities" will take place. The conference will explore the question of how this void in the training of teachers can be filled and what tasks school teaching can take on with regard to the education of learners. Which competences have to be acquired in order to be sensitized against discrimination and racism? For more information on the program and registration, please click on the link below.